Summon Gate

What is Summon Gate?

With the synergy of 2 Heroes, $STEP tokens and $HERO tokens, you can perform the ancient summoning ritual to summon a new Hero through the Summon Gate.

The Summon Gate feature allows you to own a completely new Hero by combining 2 Heroes, a certain amount of $STEP token, and $HERO token.

Two Heroes participate in a summoning ritual known as Master Heroes. The newly summoned Hero is called the Apprentice Hero. An Apprentice Hero will need to undergo training to be qualified to be recognized as a true Hero.


Master selection

To participate in the summoning ritual as Master Heroes, 2 Heroes need to satisfy 2 conditions:

  • Not having the same Master

  • Not in a Master and Descendant relationship


  • Each Hero can participate in the summoning ritual up to 10 times. In other words, each Master Hero will have a maximum of 10 descendants.

  • To perform the ritual, the player needs to have 2 HERO NFTs and pay a fee in both the $HERO token and $STEP token.

  • The amount of $HERO tokens to be paid is fixed at 40 $HERO for all summons of Heroes of all rarity.

Total Summon Fee = 40 $HERO + $STEP fee

Total $STEP fee/Summon = $STEP fee of Master Hero 1 + $STEP fee of Master Hero 2

$STEP fee of each Master Hero depends on his/her rarity level and the number of times she/he has participated in the summoning ritual.

  • Once an Apprentice Hero is successfully summoned through Summon Gate, all information about this Hero, including rarity, character, class, etc. are unknown. Apprentice Hero's rarity will be revealed 12 hours after the ritual.

  • Apprentice Hero rarity is randomly selected. The higher the rarity of two Master Heroes, the greater the probability that the Apprentice Hero has a high rarity level and vice versa. However, the probability that 2 Master Heroes with the same Common rarity can summon an Apprentice Hero with Mythical rarity is still there, although very rare.

The training process

  • After an Apprentice Hero has rarity, they are ready to undergo training to become a true Hero. The higher their rarity level, the longer their training time.

  • After the Apprentice Hero has completed the training process, all information about this Hero, including character, class, stats, etc will be revealed. This Hero is now ready to join the Step Hero RPG, Bounty Hunting, and Summon Gate.

Step-by-step Instruction

Step 2: Connect your wallet

  • Click Unlock Wallet.

  • You can choose MetaMask wallet or other wallets

  • Confirm the connection in your wallet.

  • After successful connection, the amount of $STEP, $HERO and the HERO NFTs in your wallet address will be display in the screen.

Step 3: Select two Masters

  • Click the Select button to select each Master.

  • Your selected Masters will be displayed in the middle of the screen. They are ready for the summoning ritual.

  • Your Summon Cost will be automatically calculated.

Step 4: Approve token connection

  • Make sure that you have sufficient amount of $STEP tokens and $HERO tokens to cover the summon cost. You can buy the tokens on PancakeSwap



  • Click Approve $HERO to allow summon gate contract to conduct transactions in $HERO. Then confirm the connection in your wallet.

  • Click Approve $STEP to allow summon gate contract to conduct transactions in $STEP. Then confirm the connection in your wallet.

Step 5: Summon

  • Click Summon. After that, confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  • Wait for the Summoning Ritual to take place.

  • After successful Summon, your new Apprentice Hero will show up in the Apprentice Hero section.

  • You can click on it to see the details. All information about this Hero, including rarity, character, class, etc. are unknown. Apprentice Hero's rarity will be revealed 24 hours after the ritual.

Step 5: Training

  • 24 hours after the summoning ritual, now the Apprentice Hero's rarity level has been revealed. He/she can start undergoing training to become a true Hero.

  • Click Train then confirm the transaction in your wallet

  • After the training, your Apprentice Hero officially become a true Hero. All information about the Hero is unlocked. You can call out he/she for the missions now.

  • Click Call out then confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Last updated