FxBox players buy and unlock boxes of NFTs!
90 USDT can open 1 box which generates 1 random NFT and random Mining Power by rarity.
All NFT Currencies opened from boxes start at LV 1. NFT Currencies can be leveled up to LV 30. When upgrading your NFT Currencies, star bonuses can be acquired which generate a boost to your total mining power (without the star bonus).
Once your NFT is generated from a box, it starts off with a base mining power at LVL 1. This base mining power is generate random for all cards. The specifics and ranges has been listed below
Note, the base mining power cannot be upgraded or changed once a card is minted from a box. The base mining power is the mining power of an NFT Currency at LVL 1.
Currency symbols from the different countries
Note, the base mining power cannot be upgraded or changed once a card is minted from a box. The base mining power is the mining power of an NFT Currency at LVL 1.
My Mining Power — capacity of your mining
Total Mining Power — total number of tokens involved in mining
Daily Mining Rate — number of tokens allocated each day
The only NFT Currency rarities that can be upgraded are Epics and Legendaries! Common, Uncommon and Rares cannot be upgraded but can be merged to form universal NFTs.
NFT Currencies can be teamed up for bonus mining power rewards. An NFT team requires 4 NFT Currencies that have different rarities under the team type. Every NFT team you collect provides a 50+ mining power boost.
FXBOX traders can sell NFT Currencies for USDT:
Select the NFT Currency you would like to sell, hover over it, then click the sell button. Once the NFT Currency is listed on the marketplace, FXBOX traders can purchase your NFT Currency for USDT!
Buy FxBox NFTs and get financial freedom